10 Years
Consulting Experience
Satisfied Customers
The Economic Shield of The National
NICOL was initially formed in 1999 by the support from various individuals. This initiative progressively gained the support of many Tanzanians, leading to its incorporation as a limited public company under the Companies Act, on 27th June 2001, with registration number 41644. Its main goal is to economically empower ordinary citizens by acquiring a stake in the economy of Tanzania through joint ownership in viable economic ventures. NICOL started off its operations with an authorized share capital of TZS 50,000,000,000 divided into 200,000,000 shares of TZS 1,000 each. At its registration it had paid up capital of TZS 10,000,000 which grew to TZS 156,492,000 after two years. The current paid up capital is TZS 4.7 billion and TZS 4.6 billion of share premium. The owners of the Company are the general public (Tanzanians) comprising of 26,894 shareholders.
To be the leading Collective Investment Scheme in the country, mobilizing resources from public and participating in viable economic ventures through equity ownership and investments using the most costeffective management systems and technology, highly qualified and motivated personnel.
To develop and increase participation of local Tanzanians in the management and control of the National economy.

Our Values
A product roadmap shows the path ahead, helps teams plan, and guides the delivery of the product.
P1To have a work culture where employees rigorously communicate with their peers and exchange ideas and thoughts, which progressively builds up and maintains trust and respect.
P2Honesty and adherence to the codes of conduct that sustains the high regard in the eyes of the public nationally and internationally.
P3To act professional in all actions and dealings with our shareholders, clients and partners.